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Lilla Torg Fotbollförening

Vinst i C-finalen för P13!
2022-05-30 11:19

P13 är tillbaka i Malmö efter en helg i Göteborg och deltagande i Nordic League. 


Laget tog sig till C-final där man vann över Täby FK med 8-5. Stort grattis till vinsten!


I gruppspelet spelade man följande matcher:


Norrby IF - Lilla Torg FF (11-4) 

GAIS - Lilla Torg FF (2-3) 

Lilla Torg FF - FC Djursholm (4-5) 


I C-semifinalen stod Kalmar FF för motståndet och Torget segrade med 8-0. 


I finalen stod som ovan nämnt Täby FK för motståndet som fick se sig besegrade med 8-5. 


Huvudtränare Darrell:s kommentar om deltagandet i Nordic League: 


Overall a great experience for the boys! Having a professional approach to the entire trip really set the standard. Football team wise, it was of a high standard with mainly academy teams attending. 

We started the tournament a little nervous but after getting the initial first 10 minutes out of the way, we started to play our game with high intensity pressure and possession. An interesting element was the amount of comments from other teams about how we play modern football, as some of the teams still preferred “Wimbledon football” with many long balls.


Overall they finished with 3 wins beating Kalmar, GAIS and Täby and 2 losses against Norrby IF and a very close game to FC Djursholm losing 5-4 after controlling 90% of the game from the 10th minute. 


We also had Jonathan Piper, Daniel Jönsson and Milo Sjöholm picking up man of the match awards for their displays in different games. Now time to start planning for our next adventure. I would like to thank all the players, parents, coaching and all at Lilla Torg who helped us with this tournament. It allows us to build a solid foundation for the future.


Vi ser fram emot ert nästa äventyr! 


/ Kansliet

Instagram #lillatorgff